
As it implemented a restraint free approach, Ukeru® quickly learned that traditional blocking materials were not effective—while some didn’t offer adequate protection, others were physically or visually jarring to clients.

The CEO’s response to this challenge? If the tools don’t exist, let’s build them ourselves. With the same innovative spirit that has driven the organization since its inception, Ukeru developed custom-made, soft, cushioned blocking tools that keep both professionals and those in their care safe and comfortable. All of our equipment is patented and more information can be found here. 

Please note: an active Ukeru certification is required in order to purchase equipment.

I am immensely grateful for the positive impact Ukeru has had on our program. It has not only reduced the need for physical restraints but has also fostered a safer and more supportive environment for both staff and residents. Ukeru is not just a training program; it’s a catalyst for positive change, and we are fortunate to have it as an integral part of our program.

-Marta Finnegan, Program Director, Norris Academy