
Customized to fit the unique needs of each organization, Ukeru® offers hands-on participant trainings as well as a “train-the-trainer” series. Training is straightforward and easy to implement, and focuses on what caregivers want to do most: communicate effectively with the individuals they serve and diffuse stressful, escalating behaviors.

Each training covers:

  • Verbal and nonverbal communication to convert/divert an aggressive individual
  • Physical release techniques that keep both client and caregiver safe
  • Physical re-direction to avoid injury and self-harm
  • Safe Blocking®—the only trauma-informed, restraint-free blocking technique

Ukeru provides training on the concept of trauma-informed care. Learn more about it here.

The schedule of upcoming trainings is available here.

At the end of a situation where you use Ukeru, you’ll still be able to reconnect with your client. That’s not something you can do when a client is physically restrained.

Abraham Hill, Psychiatric Technician Instructor in the Department of Developmental Services at California State Agency